Monday, August 25, 2008
Miss Carter...
Here she's inserting "the pokey things" into a slice of watermelon!
Having a little technical difficulty!
Here she is on skates, but I must say that she has yet to master the technique!

Iowa or bust!
All of Ted Hammond's representatives except of course the photographer (me). L to R: Nancy, Lynne's grandson, Gwyn & Blake, Lynne's son Guy, Lynne, Lynne & Betty's brother Kenny, Guy's wife, & Betty
Same group except photographers switched so I'm on the far left of this one.
Here's the congenial group that drove to Malta (in two cars) and rode to Minneapolis together on the train, and rented a van to drive 130 miles south to Clear Lake, Iowa. This is at the lodge on/at Clear Lake.
And the sisters.

The family union trip was, overall, great. The train trips from Malta to Minneapolis and back were fun... with a few caveats. The cousins (Lynne & Betty) and sisters (me, Gwyn, & Nanny) were fine. Blake was GREAT. The relatives were okay. The weather in Iowa was GORGEOUS. The location of the reunion was GORGEOUS – at a nice lodge on the edge of Clear Lake for which the town of Clear Lake, Iowa, is appropriately named. We visited two small rural graveyards in which many relatives were buried, including my dad’s dad’s mother and her parents. We also got to visit the old farmstead where my dad’s dad was raised until the family moved to the Glendive/Wibaux/Circle area when he was about 7 and shortly after the death of his mother. All the original buildings were gone, but I liked standing where they had stood and looking at the country that they had looked at… walking in their footsteps so to speak.
Hammond Family Reunion #4...
My dad's dad Ted Hammond was born in Belmond, Iowa. He mother died when he was about 6 or 7, and not too long after that, his father gathered up the young children as well as some of the older sons and went to eastern Montana--the Circle area. There Ted met a young school teacher Myrl Phillips who had come out from Minnesota to teach school. They married and had quite a number of children, including my father. This reunion was organized by some of Dad's cousins so that we could all see where we came from. There were two local cemeteries with numerous relatives including Ted Hammond's mother Marinda Curran Hammond, who died at the age of 46, I think it was. This photo is of two cousins of some sort, almost the same age but most certainly not the same size or color!
This headstone belongs to Marinda Curran Hammond's grandmother, I believe.
I stood on the Hammond farmstead when I took this picture. The original buildings were gone, but I found it intersting to stand where they stood and look where they looked.

Gramma Aunty's busy little helper...
Carter always says, "Me holp," and who's to discourage a kid from helping with dishes? Not me! I was quite proud of myself from keeping her from getting hold of the spray nozzle, which she REALLY wanted. And she had big fun drinking sips of water out of the faucet with the spoons she was supposed to be rinsing! As you probably all know by now, I'm going back to work at Agri-News as an editor. I will certainly miss Carterkins! She has been a delight, not to mention just plain funny! She's a wonderfully bright girl, and I love her so. 
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Packing fun into the dwindling summer...
Chance's girlfriend Carly from school was invited, and Chance spent most of the time either doing attention-getting stunts or dunking her in the water!
Look at all the little varmints. There are a couple strangers in the crowd because Susan's two older boys each brought a friend.
Dick's great-niece Brandy with Carter...

Friday, August 8, 2008
A great pair--Blake, almost 11, and Zipper, 1...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Mary Mary...
Vermandel adventures...
Monday, Dick's great-niece Brandy and I helped Clint and Mom ride through the Lower Vermandel looking for critters missed, runback, etc. Brandy and I decided then that it would be fun to look around the rocks, so I gathered up both of Dick's great-nieces plus Chance, Sterling, Carter, and my Border Collie Panda and 20 pounds of snacks and drinks and off we went on Tuesday morning. Although the boys are wearing "climbing shoes" (NOT cowboy boots), you will note that they wore their cowboy hats and carried their ropes.
Carter looked for "dasshoppers" ....
I made them pose a bunch as the backgrounds were all so scenic...

Gramma-Aunty steals 30 winks while the big kids do more exploring after lunch...
I made them pose a bunch as the backgrounds were all so scenic...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Clint's crew on August 3...
We moved the heifer pairs from the creek bottom around Grampa's house to Broken Leg. It was a fair challenge as it was hotter 'n hell even though we started at 6. It probably had something to do with having 5 children between the ages of 9 and 14. But even Clint agreed they really tried hard and we were eventually successful--well, we did leave at least one calf and one pair, but from the way it looked a couple of times, that's a minor miss! Here's Chance, Clint, Joe, and Dick from left to right riding east on the way home.
Here caught on film is EXACTLY the reason that Blake got bucked off Perkin--Ashley's inability to control her horse. She tries, but all too often her try isn't enough, so when she rode her big Thoroughbred practically on top of my pesky horse Perkin, he bucked, and little miss Blake went off, hurting her knee and her pride. Naturally, I was not there--95% of the wrecks happen when I'm not there. My specialty is SAFETY, and I industriously and enthusiastically accomplish that with great volume, as all of you know.
Here's a nice picture of all of the crew except the photographer. Left to right: Blake, Clint, Chance, Dick, Joe, Brandy, Vashti, & Ashley.

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